That guy on top of the missile. That's me. I'm that guy.
When not avenging my fallen, water-fowl comrades and saving the world from nuclear annihilation (ugh, I hate Tuesdays) I like to sit around and write about some of the other things I do.
I'm an average guy in an average neighborhood in an average town. I like to do average things. I'm the kind of person a lot of people make the mistake of calling smart. I'm a comic nut, so I read and reference those a lot, and I tend to draw my own rather often.
My friends think I'm insane. I think that's not a very nice thing to say to the Duke of Manatees.
Waffle Crisp is the best breakfast cereal to ever grace the tastebuds of the human race. This is not up for discussion nor debate.
And according to eyewitness testimonies, I'm a pretty awesome guy. So there's that.